Bulova: Redefining Precision and Mastering the Art of Marketing

As a long-time watch collector, my knowledge about Bulova was surprisingly limited. I always dismissed it as a low-cost watch brand often seen on the dash of our trucks. That perception shifted dramatically after watching a restoration video by the Saving Time YouTube...

Best Financing Solutions for Auto Repair Shops to Improve Cash Flow

Smart Financing Solutions for Auto Repair Shops: Keeping Cash Flow Smooth I just had a great chat with one of our auto repair shop clients. As usual, we dove into ways to not only keep his business running smoothly but also to help it thrive beyond just our marketing...

3 Questions Every Business Owner Should Ask Themselves

How Much Money? How much do you want your business to earn monthly? It’s surprising how many businesses lack a clear target. The answers vary widely—some aim for $30K per month, while others dream of $30 million. Identifying this number is the first step in...

Can You Tell If This Food Image Is Real or Ai?

I keep seeing posts and news about the use of AI imagery in food specifically, and the reality is that when it’s done well, I’d wager most can’t even correctly spot what is AI and what isn’t. Of course, there is badly done AI just as there are badly...

Master Your Brand Story

Unlocking the Power of Your Brand Story At FOCUS Digital Marketing, we understand the importance of a compelling brand story. It’s not just about who you are, but about how you connect with your audience. Our Brand Story Template is designed to help you define,...